An Unconditional Offer (Part 1) : Through the eyes of a mother
I wanted to write about a conversation I have pretty much every year. Variations of it, at least. A Mum will be on a tour, an open evening, some visit to my school and she asks to speak to the SENCo. Because her child has somehow ended up at the tail end of Year 6 (how time flies!) and now she’s not quite ready to let him stumble into this strange, labyrinthine school of mine without saying a few things first. Because our head has been busy painting a picture of the model student who he wants to see passing through our doors in September, and she knows that her child doesn’t quite... fit into that mould. Because she knows that he might do something in the early days that could give the wrong impression. And this is another opportunity for a fresh start, perhaps one of his last, and she's scared he might say something or do something that might spark that old cycle, that downward spiral. Do something that might lead us to reject him. And at that point, she knows she won’t be there h...