The Privilege of not needing a Laptop
There was a tweet floating through edutwitter the other day that briefly stopped my scrolling. She’s right, of course. And it's a sentiment I've seen echoed in different corners of my timeline recently, especially because we seem to have agreed to stop worrying about the harm in children spending 14hrs a day looking at a screen. And yet she’s missing something crucial. Because these things actually rely on a large number of elements all locking into place. For example: Availability. One of the things this pandemic has revealed is the extent to which the professional and managerial classes are able to work at home on flexible working hours in a way that others, on whom all our comfort, health and safety is utterly dependent, can’t. I call parents, from the comfort of my bedroom, to discuss their children’s home learning. The parents - cleaners, NHS staff, shop workers - will often answer from their places of work. Once I’ve done what I need to do, I go downstairs to work with my...